
The SMX Advanced Recap is Chock Full of Nostalgia

Hey, remember SMX Advanced in Seattle? Think back to a couple weeks ago. Danny Sullivan threw a conference in the Emerald City, some SEOs attended, it was a huge success…any of this ringing a bell to you? Well, if two certain slacker SEOs didn’t have 8,000 simultaneous tasks to work on and actually published this article right after the conference ended, you’d be more excited about reading it. Oh well…

Anyway, if you’re into those “I Love the 80s” shows on VH1 and love to wax nostalgic on all sorts of tidbity information, then please, please check out our long and comprehensive recap of SMX Advanced. It’s also listed in the Articles section of our site. Peruse through the article, pick out one obscure sentence, and then drop a comment below saying “Oh, I love how you mentioned such and such! What valuable information!” so Jane and I feel like you guys got some actual value out of this. Thanks.

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